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Five tips for moving into your new storage unit 

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There are multiple reasons by moving into your storage unit makes sense. We have a few tips to make moving into a new storage unit that much easier for you. You may be trying to downsize your current living situation, and still looking for a property that is ideal or you could be trying to declutter your home. Or you maybe starting a home repair project. Whatever the reason a storage unit can be a safe and secure. Place to store your belongings until you need them next.

Start with choosing the right storage unit size

Start with choosing the right size storage unit this part actually can be a bit tricky. A one bedroom house usually needs up to about 50 ft.² of storage. Each additional room may need around 30 to 50 square feet for storage. It’s also important to think about outdoor sheds and out buildings or any other additional storage space. 

It is ideally to get a storage unit that is wiser than what you need. Not to mention it is best to talk to a local storage unit company if you don’t know what kind of storage space do you need?

Keep your boxes labeled it’s much easier 

It’s best to label your boxes for A Better organization this stat seems obvious, but it is actually one of the most important things to do when you’re moving into a storage unit. Putting what room the box actually belongs to who is also very helpful. Try and be as specific as you can when you are labeling your boxes having about three or four boxes that say kitchen stuff isn’t really going to help you when you’re trying to take through boxes to get what you need for your kitchen. When you specifically label boxes you pack like items together which it in the end when you have to unpack the boxes it just makes it easier. 

You may also want to label your boxes on more than one side for easy reading. Using a black marker will make it easier to read the box and what it contains. Remember you want to write as clear as possible so you don’t get confused. If you have bad handwriting, you might want to use a stencil or a sticker labeler. 

new storage unit

Make sure that you are maximizing the capacity of your storage unit vertically

When you are picking out your storage unit in your local area, the best advice that we can give us to look up. Do you want to make sure that the storage unit has a height you are looking for. Do you want to make the most of the HEIGHT that your storage unit will give you. This will give you more opportunities to store more stuff in your storage unit. Though you want to do this safely, piling boxes up on top of each other can eventually turn into a hazard or a safety concern.

Some local storage unit safe and have a storage as part of their storage system. If you want, you can ask the storage facility manager if they have shelves that come with a storage unit if they don’t, you might want to invest in shelving yourself.  This way you can save a little bit of money and not having to purchase a storage unit bigger than what you need but you would still get the benefits of storing what you have.

When packing your storage unit boxes, remember that the heavier stuff should be towards the bottom. Lifting heavy boxes from the top or how do you having the climb on top of other boxes to get heavier boxes just give me a dangerous and a safety concern. Not to mention, have your boxes on top of litter boxes can crash the boxes and cause damage to your belongings.

Get good quality packing materials

Purchase, good quality, packing materials doing this Cannon, sure that you’re protecting your items safely in your storage unit and they will stay in good condition. A good quality storage unit will offer safe, secure storage and be damp free for your items. Good quality packing material ensures that you won’t have broken items in your boxes while you’re filling up your storage unit.

Do you want to purchase double walled cardboard boxes plus a good quality pack tape. Make sure that the boxes are strong and will allow your items to breathe. You could look at plastic boxes, but we don’t highly recommend them because of condensation. You might want to look into the type of bubble wrap that you’re using as you’re wrapping the items before packing but be careful with the packing bubble wrap because I can lead to mold. Paper or old cloths could be an alternative to wrapping material that you want in boxes.

Don’t get caught in the trap that thinking that a bigger box can make life easier. Be careful with the box size that you choose. Remember that a large box of books could be extremely hard to lift by yourself. Your best bet when you’re looking to buy boxes or get boxes you want medium size boxes for your storage unit because there is yogurt stack and maneuver around your storage unit.

Keeping inventory list of thought you were packing

Keeping inventory of what you pack, it can be easy to think that you’ll remember everything when it comes to packing everything into your storage unit but it’s easy to forget also. The busyness of doing renovation projects to your home or just moving house can make it easy for you to think you misplace something you need. Keeping proper inventory of what you have in your storage unit may save your time, energy and money so you’re not duplicating the same purchase over and over again.

You can make an Excel spreadsheet for your inventory or even get an app for your phone to record your inventory of the things that you pack some people may even use a dedicated notebook to take notes.

You should keep detailed notes of what items are in my boxes so that you have a record of it when you have to go back to the box and get what you need. This step may take some time but it’s well worth the investment or effort and makes storage easier. 

Visit your storage unit regularly

Make sure that you visit your storage unit regularly. When you are choosing a storage unit and your local area you want to go with a storage facility that will allow you to visit your storage unit anytime you would like. Going to see the condition of your storage unit and items shows that you care about the items that are stored. Being able to check on your items from time to time allows you to check up on the security of the facility and keep an eye on your items in all weather conditions.

Remember when you are renting a storage unit in your local area you want to check your insurance policy and ask yourself if the size of the storage unit is right for you. Because answering the question well, how your to save money and you won’t have to pay for any unnecessary space. With some careful planning, organization, and packing you can have peace of mind your belongings will be safe and secure for the next time that you need them.

There are storage units in Macomb County, Oakland County, or Wayne County that are available for anything you need to use them for. Get ahold of a local self storage company.

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